Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Beetroot Juice 

This juice is made of six whole beetroot with skin.

Beetroot is not listed as a super food but maybe it needs to be placed on that list. Drinking beet juice daily lowers blood pressure.  Someone dear to me had a minor stoke a while back and he mention that drinking beetroot juice is helping him to reduce his blood pressure to help prevent the stroke from recurring.

I have been eating many beets as snack and noticed that my skin, which was prone to spots, was clearing out rapidly. Through many happens in my life I stopped, but now I am back on the beetroot bandwagon. 

In some research, beetroot juice may boost stamina to help you exercise long, so I am even curious if it will give me more endurance during my yoga practice.

As a vegetable beetroots are sweet, astringent, heavy, smooth, relieves anaemia.

Apparently, some surveys also show that beet juice relieves many cases of disease related to calcification in the body like
Heart diseases
Kidney stones 
Eye problems
Varicose veins 

In addition, beet juice is consider to be a perfect drink for cleansing/ detoxing. 

Benefits are good source of folate, potassium, vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants as well as nitrates.

In addition, if you start with drinking beet juice you need to know that it might make your urine and stools reddish.
 That is perfectly normal.

A juice recipe if you prefer a more diluted taste of beets.
One pear
½ a beetroot
One carrot
One apple
1-inch ginger


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Brown is as classic as Black. Depending on its shade, it can certainly look like poop. So not a pooped brown, but a dark rich chocolate brown I can totally appreciate.  I have noticed that designers do not often use this colour, correct me if I am wrong. I think brown can look good with many different colours; such as brown with grey, white, cream and pink, dark red and orange, even a forest green. 
 Today I have paired my wool brown dinner jacket (part of a suit) which I bought from Joseph many moons ago, paired it with a simple relax dark olive slacks. Adding to that cotton dyed fabric, which I wear as a scarf and a hat to cover my not so tamed hair. Today I’m not fully made up just wearing my favourite red lipstick, and now off for a quick lunch. The leather shopper I had made for me while I was in Marrakech.

Thank you for reading.

xo Ermine

Monday, October 13, 2014


I will talk about how I came to put together this look. Creating a simple outfit that looks amazing has nothing to do with how much money you spend.  

But first let start off with a quick lunch…. 

This outfit combination can be worn for work.  Off course it depends on what kind of company you work for. If you work in a creative environment then I will say then that this outfit is great.  

I started off with the necklace (key piece). When wearing layered necklace with such an impact, your earrings then needs to be very small so the eyes focuses on the necklace and that creates more clarity.  This necklace is chic enough for the day and elegant enough for the night if I had plans to go for drinks after work. You can always choose for different kind of necklace but I have a preference for bold pieces. 

Then I chose my rest of my jewelry the earrings, rings, bracelets & belt. The dainty silver leaves belt I bought from the vintage market in The Hague. This belt is multi functional; it can be worn on the wrist or worn around the neck.  I am a big fan of multi-functional jewelry. 

Thirdly the cream jacket t-shirt and jeans. The jacket is smart enough for the office, casual enough for the day and suitable enough to wear over a dress or classic trousers.  Jeans can look good at any occasion and most importantly is that it fit well. Ok I wouldn’t suggest wearing jeans to a wedding but that is my preference.  

Lastly I chose for the fringe suede bag, which was one of my purchases when I visited Ibiza in the summer. The bag can lighten up any outfit, since it comes with all its blinging details and fringe apparently is a big trend this season.  I purchased it not because it was in season but because it was affordable and I like it.  The patent boots was my last choice I choose it since it works well with the bag since and they both shine.  

So when you’re getting dress first starts off with one piece and then work your way around that piece, until you complete your entire outfit.  

I ended the day with a sugar shot of carrot cake and cappuccino at Coffee Company in Den Haag. 
Thanks to Robb for assisting me with this shoot. 

Need help with organising your wardrobe or styling advice mail me..@ermine_evans@hotmail.


Thursday, October 9, 2014


Today it seems like it was going to be the last day of summer…. the temperature had dropped tremendously. I was walking through the Lange Voorhout in Den Haag looking at the sculptures. It was a perfect day for some photos since I am trying to take every opportunity.

I am wearing a sort of a “stretchy legging meets waxed pants”, they cost me under 20 euros from the H & M…I tried on a size 38. The 38 fitted me, but not so well, just to tight on my waist and to short on my legs. And it fitted me to high on my waist, which shorten my upper body and makes me feel suffocated …

So I took a size 40 to try it at home. The size 40 didn’t fit me the way I would have wanted, but I wanted to make it work for my body; I folded the top part of it by rolling it down to fit me on my hip, so that the area around the crutch will fit without too much excess of fabric and it could hug my bottom perfectly. I rolled up the bottom so it could fit me on my calves. 

As a fashion stylist the advice is to always find things that fits your style and make clothes work to suit your shape. This time I had to use my creativity to make this stretchy pants fit, hooray for stretch.  Fashion does not have to be expensive (this time). 

I truly believe that you can always shop within your closet and updating your closet by editing what no longer works and updating it every season. As you evolve so does your style and you don’t need to buy into what’s in fashion staying to the classic pieces that works with other pieces in your wardrobe….

What I was wearing 
Jacket -  Mango
Pant - H& M
Tank top - american vintage
Bracelet from My Boutique...soon online
Rings - Supertrash
Necklace - Studio Italia
Shoes - Marc o Polo

A visitor ....

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


PAPILO MACHAON: I AFFIRM JEWELERY COLLECTION - FORGIVENESS BRACELE...: Here I present you: The I Affirm Jewelry Collection 2015 The I Affirm Jewelry Collection is jewelry with an Affirmation. T...


Here I present you: The I Affirm Jewelry Collection 2015

The I Affirm Jewelry Collection is jewelry with an Affirmation.

The I Affirm jewelry collection is made of high quality selected semi precious stones due to the energy of the stones. 

I enjoy combining various stones sizes, colors and stone energy aiming to make each piece meaningful and unique, and sometimes adding vintage finds to give the jewelry even more a sense of soul. 

The I Affirm Jewelry are timeless, radiant, fun, colorful, vibrant, affordable easy to wear and to combine. Some of the pieces created are versatile like bracelets necklaces.

Affirmations, really, are simple. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.

The pleasure is in the creating and the joy is when the client loves it. 
Made with love, for you too love.

 Lifestyle Boutique
Inspired by Life, People, Places, Music, Arts  and Colors. 

Xo Ermine

Affirmation of Forgiveness
I forgive myself, I forgive everyone; forgiveness is my freedom

A powerful feeling of freedom emerges when we open our hearts to forgiveness. Forgiving ourselves is the first step to forgiving others. We can learn to accept ourselves and others as we really are at present. The greatest power of healing is in forgiving; with the Soul's help we can forgive anyone who has hurt us. Forgiveness teaches us about the great law of Cause and Effect and opens our minds to divine mercy.

Description - coral, turquoise semi precious stones
Color – dark red 

Energy of the Stone - Healing 

 Length - 37cm

PRICE - 65.00 euros

For Information on this product please contact me @